Ready for 12-months long adventure in Wrocław, Poland?
Loving work with small children and learning new languages?
Open to gain professional experience and to find new friends?
EVS coordinating organization,The Foundation of Social Prom from Wrocław, Poland is glad to announce an open call in long-term strategic EVS project “Happy Kids Better Europe 4” for 1 participants ONLY from Partner Country free placements in 2 Hosting Organizations (Kindergarten nr 2 and nr 27 for candidate to choose) from Wroclaw, Poland. Please read carefully the criteria below and send us the documents needed in case you want to apply.
This activity should start after 15th of April 2018
Eligibility: you are eligible to apply if you are 18 to 30 years old and if you have not done European Voluntary Service before.
Remember you can choose preferred Kindergarten from the list but during the interview
we will agree together where you fit better. Please be sure to open the 3 links below before
reading the full call:
1. Kindergarten No 2 “The Secret Garden“
more information:
Urgently searching for 1 more volunteer !!!
Activities should start 15.04.2018 finish 31.03.2019
2. Kindergarten No. 27 “The Dwarfs”,
more information:
Urgently searching for 1 more volunteer !!!
Activities should start 15.04.2018 finish 31.03.2019
We would like to host people:
– who love to work with children,
– having some experience in scouting;
– motivated to spend full 12 months in Poland;
– creative and imaginative; having organizational skills
– with positive attitude, open-minded and honest,
– flexible, friendly, helpful,
– who like to work in big groups;
– responsible and trustworthy,
– punctual;
– people who want to learn foreign languages;
– holding a medical examination
(necessary to work with little children in kindergarten);
– not appearing in the criminal record.
Volunteers are not obligated to have special qualifications to work with children, but experience in that field will be essential. The volunteer should be ready to work in bigger group of children for longer period of time, to have basic knowledge of the development needs of preschool-aged children, should be able to establish positive relationships with children and adults.
You can have any interesting hobbies, for example: sport, art, dance or theatre, circus
skills, playing instrument or singing due to the fact, that those kinds of classes are very popular and appreciated among our pupils.
Manual and computer skills will be very useful in helping teachers. Good organizational skill are important due to plan and lead own activities and support important events.
Monthly allowance=pocket money: minimum 85 euro/month (ticket to the cinema: 3-5 euro, beer in pub: 1,5-2 euro) = around 360 PLN
Food money: 400 PLN (prices in Poland: bread: 1 euro, milk 0,75 euro per liter, sugar 0,75 euro per kilo, ice cream 1 scoop: 0,75 euro). Payed partly to the volunteer and partly to the kindergarten if you will decide to eat lunch in kindergarten. This money is enough to buy basic food articles to cook at home, not to go to restaurants
Local transportation ticket (for trams, buses and night buses) – Urban Card
Travel tickets from your city to Wrocław and back (up to the amount based on
Distance Calculator of Erasmus+, the excess of this amount will be payed by volunteer)
Polish language course (twice a week 4 school hours, obligatory for 6 months, for most motivated students throughout the whole project)
Travel costs for on-arrival and mid-term trainings in Poland
Place in a room shared with other volunteers or students (with Internet access, kitchen equipment, fresh towels, bedclothes and blanket)
7 hours of work per day, including Polish language course (35-38 hours per week)
All the required medical examinations, health and safety training at the beginning
Trainings in creative methods of working with children
4 Workshops on cultural, language differences, working on communication methods
and motivation of volunteers (participants: kindergarten teachers, specialists and
What will you gain with this experience? Throughout this project you can:
– increase your language skills (to learn the basics of the Polish language, deepen the knowledge of English)
– learn how to work in group and resolve conflicts if necessary (you will be more flexible and ready to adapt to changes in the environment after such a long stay in foreign country)
– be able to understand better and accept cultural differences
– learn many interesting ways/ methods to work with children, special games for different age, Montessori method etc
– be more self-confident, responsible, mature.
– become familiar with the Polish Education System and the needs of children in pre-school age
– develop self- organizing activities, you will learn how to plan and manage your time and finances
– through regular meetings with the mentor and analysis of progress you realize the most effective way for you to learn
– observe different specialist at work (speach terapist, psychologist etc)
– make new friends!
If you are seriously interested in the project and the period of time suits you, please send
us on: fiohvolunteers all the following documents in English with the title: EVS-POLAND
– CV, motivation letter
“EVS Questionnaire Kindergartens 2018” document with summary of your data, preferred
kindergarten (but remember the final match will be done after the interview) and with
additional questions (to be downloaded from here:evs-questionaire-Kindergarten-2018)
The deadline to apply is the 12.04.2018. Applications will only be considered if the
documents are received fully completed and with picture.